29 June 2010


And now commences my time laying around and doing absolutely nothing. Right now I am laying in my bed, watching Sex and the City, and desperately hoping that I will feel better tomorrow. There is a dull throb that I haven't felt since I first hurt my knee. It was absolutely awful having a hurt knee during my last quarter of college. I didn't like being restricted in what I could do. For weeks all I could do was go to class, nap, and lay on the couch. Doesn't make for a very fun time. I went from going out and having a blast, to being super lame. At least now I can ensure that I'll be able to be fully healed by the time I leave for Scotland.

Turns out, my ACL was completely torn. It's a bit weird to even think about that. I was walking around since April with no functioning ligament in my left knee. Even weirder? Thinking about the fact that I just had surgery. It's hard to even imagine, really. In true fashion, I was more freaked out about getting the IV than the actual surgery. Wow...I have really great priorities. Hey, at least I didn't freak out this time. It used to be that my blood pressure would shoot through the roof, sobbing would begin, and panic would ensure. Maybe I'm maturing?

To make things even better, Kari will no longer be joining me in Scotland. I am beyond sad that she won't be there. I was looking forward to us going together, exploring, and loving the city. It won't be the same without her there. And, truth be told, I'm a bit nervous to go now. I'm still really looking forward to going, and I know I'll love it, but now I'm going alone. I just wonder how it will be. At least Elizabeth will be close, which is exciting, and a couple of Chi Os are going to be in Edinburgh for fall quarter. So there's that, I suppose.

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