28 September 2010


From the University webpage:

"The course offers students an introduction to the study of the literatures and cultures of the Atlantic civilisation, and those complex interchanges between the Americas, Europe and Africa which are a fundamental feature of modern life. In particular, this degree focuses on the transnational and multilingual networks of Atlantic literatures, ranging across English, Spanish, and French-speaking countries, and the three continents concerned, as well as on the historical and intellectual interactions between the cultures of the Atlantic civilisation.

This unique course is the first of its kind in the United Kingdom, and draws on a wide range of scholarly expertise within the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures. The course aims to foster an interdisciplinary and intercultural approach to the study of literature. The course is distinctive in treating the Atlantic as a single, complex space of analysis: rather than examining ‘English’ or ‘American’ literature as a discrete body of writing, the course seeks to examine the interactions between literatures in a range of languages distributed around the Atlantic. Candidates are encouraged to think about literature and culture in terms which move beyond the national towards an explicitly intercultural and comparative perspective."

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